Friday, November 8, 2013

Pedestrians by Leroy Smokes


  1. When Leroy Smokes ask you to come up with a riff theme for a song, who do you turn to? Yes, John Coltrane! First person to pick out my sax line and name the Trane tune from which I borrowed the riff gets a smiley face. Beware, the tune and riff are pretty obscure ones, plus I heavily modified the riff as well! *Hint*, w/ a large brass section, not from this continent nor hemisphere.

    BTW, this track is off the same album, "The Plot Thickens", as the track "Lo-Fi" which came in second during the 2002 Minnneapolis Grammy / ASCAP Demo Review panel.

    Song Credits:

    Hashbrown Stephens - bass
    J [sk]illz - guitar
    Friendly - Wurlitzer, Hammond B-3
    Syrum - scratches, vocals
    APZ - percussion, vocals
    B. Ruckus - drums, vocals
    Andy Schmitz - tenor sax

  2. The illustrious TC based jazz drummer Dan Lange got the smiley face :) Good job Dan, it was a hard one... but for a jazz guru like you, piece of cake I'm sure! John Coltrane Africa/Brass Sessions "Song of the Underground Railroad".

    Check out Dan and his band...
